Coping with COVID takes a growth mindset.

Coping with COVID by fostering a growth mindset and starting from a positive frame of mind. COVID does not own you but, it is your response to COVID that owns you.  This means looking forward, not to the past and thinking about what you can do, instead of what you can no longer do. Let’s start by REthinking our actions and REdirecting our behaviors. Here are some positive growth oriented words to help get you started:


Choose your RE-word

As an Executive Coach I have to say the last 4 months have been an interesting time.  During this pandemic, I have seen it all…fear, anger, depression, business paralysis, confusion, and the list goes on.  However, I have also seen FAITH, HOPE, MOTIVATION, CREATIVITY, AND COMMUNITY.

Being honest, I have felt many of these myself and I am convinced after talking it through with my clients and my colleagues these reactions are normal (whatever that means).  Conversely, it doesn’t feel normal, when our lives get abruptly disrupted and it causes us to rethink our current state of affairs asking questions such as:  Who am I?  Why do I do what I do? What can I offer to others? How can life so easily be altered? Where do I go from here?  What matters most?

As a result, these questions evoke emotions and for each of us, those emotions will be different.  For some, they will be negative and others it may be refreshing or positive.  You may find that each day your emotions change.

This is all okay and part of the coping process.  Allow yourself time.  Process slowly and write things down.

Coping shows up differently for everyone

This means that what works for one may not work for another. I encourage you to ask for help however, don’t just mimic another. Start coping with COVID by fostering a growth mindset.

For example, you may want to try one or more of these concepts:

First, REALIGN.  Perhaps it becomes clear that synergies are missing in your teams or personal life.  The bumps in the road have thrown you off-course and the path ahead shows unclear.  It will help if you FOCUS on a plan that speaks to whom you want to become.

Second, RECALIBRATE.  Are your efficiencies out of whack?  Is it possible your systems and procedures are not as buttoned up as you might have hoped? Maybe things are running but they are not smooth.  What you need is to INVESTIGATE what could be done differently and tweak your methods/policies/procedures OR attitude.

Third, REBUILD.  Possibly for you it is a total rebuild.  Scrap what is and start new or will you rebuild the same thing, only better?  Should you physically rebuild or work to rebuild the intangibles such as relationships?  What if you are being called to completely started fresh? Use your time wisely, dig deep and UNDERSTAND your core desires before you build.

Using these coping concepts and having a positive growth mindset it will keep you moving forward in the right direction.